The AI-trained algorithm searches through a database of existing Substance materials to find the one that most resembles a source photo, then modifies it automatically to achieve an even closer match.
Substance Source – 45 Substances Materials (including SBS)
A centrifuge works by using the principle of sedimentation: Under the influence of gravitational force (g-force), substances separate according to their density. Different types of separation are known, including isopycnic, ultrafiltration, density gradient, phase separation, and pelleting.
Abstract:Green roofs (GRs) and vertical greenery systems (VGSs) can contribute certain pollutants to stormwater runoff, affecting the quality of the receiving waters. The objective of this review paper is to discuss the potential impact of these systems on the quality of urban runoff. In the green building systems section, a series of materials used in greenery systems and their specific application are presented and environmentally relevant substances that could be leached out from these materials are identified as potential pollutants. After the identification of environmentally relevant pollutants that have already been measured in urban runoff and originate from these systems, an assessment of their pathways, fate, and impact in the aquatic environment is performed. Since GRs and VGSs are already considered to be solutions for stormwater quantity and quality management in urban areas, recommendations for mitigating their environmental impact through runoff are needed. It can be concluded that special focus should be placed on measures that target the pollution source, such as optimizing GR and VGS construction practices and materials used, as well as establishing appropriate decentralized stormwater treatment measures. Both of these approaches will help to reduce or even entirely avoid the emission of relevant pollutants into the aquatic environment.Keywords: green roof (GR); vertical greenery systems (VGSs); leaching; pollutants; runoff quality; stormwater runoff; mitigation
Anonymous: Unidentified (i.e., personally identifiable information was not collected, or if collected, identifiers were not retained and can no longer be retrieved or linked by anyone); information or materials (e.g., data or specimens) that cannot be linked directly or indirectly by anyone to their source(s).
De-Identified (and de-identified to HIPAA standards) All direct personal identifiers are permanently removed (e.g., from data or specimens), no code or key exists to link the information or materials to their original source(s), and the remaining information cannot reasonably be used by anyone to identify the source(s). Note: For purposes of HRPP policy, protected health information is de-identified when it does not contain any of the 18 identifiers specified by the HIPAA Privacy Rule at 45 CFR Part 164 (or has been determined to be de-identified by a statistician in accordance with the standards established by the Privacy Rule).
GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe): Under sections 201(s) and 409 of the FD&C Act, any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise exempted from the definition of a food additive. GRAS substances are distinguished from food additives by the type of information that supports the GRAS conclusion, that it is publicly available and generally accepted by the scientific community, but should be the same quantity and quality of information that would support the safety of a food additive. Additional information on GRAS can be found on the GRAS Notification Program page. -ingredients-packaging/generally-recognized-safe-gras
Secondary Research: Study of existing information or materials (e.g., data or specimens) that have been previously collected for a purpose (including non-research purposes) other than the currently proposed activity. 2ff7e9595c